Thank you very sharing the techniques in this blog, I wanted to know more about playing chords for songs and it helped me a lot! Add oil in writing more blogs/ making more videos!
But for this section, I don't really understand, C7 is C major 7 or C major plus 7 chord? In what situation will you see a 7 chord? What is the difference between M7 and 7? Any examples? Thanks a lot! You can reply in chinese :) haha~
Thank you very sharing the techniques in this blog, I wanted to know more about playing chords for songs and it helped me a lot! Add oil in writing more blogs/ making more videos!
回覆刪除But for this section, I don't really understand, C7 is C major 7 or C major plus 7 chord? In what situation will you see a 7 chord? What is the difference between M7 and 7? Any examples?
Thanks a lot!
You can reply in chinese :) haha~
C7係C E G Bb
CM7係 C E G B
係童話呢個GE原因,係叫secondary dominant....
可以ge話, @我msn詳談,